Monday, September 22, 2014


Benda yang selalu saya buat bila tak setuju dengan seseorang tapi malas nak argue
- Senyum tapi tak angguk tak geleng
- State my disagreement briefly tapi tak jelaskan kenapa
- Kalau ramai orang, jangan libatkan diri
- Tukar topik
- Worst case, pura-pura separa setuju

Tapi kadang-kadang bukan malas, cuma rasa tak guna terangkan, sesetengah orang bukan nak dengar pun. Lagipun, selalunya argument tu tak akan ada kesan pada masalah sebenar pun, jadi tak guna nak terangkan pendapat saya yang berbeza tu.

And sometimes I may just think the other person is not clever enough or he/she is very shallow. Thus, no point to explain.
This is very arrogant of me. Tak suka tapi selalu je ada rasa riak tu. Kena banyak istighfar ni. Hmm.

Late Night Ramblings

I have a lot of thoughts on my mind right now:

1. It's hard to forgive people when they don't apologize and act light nothing had happened. Urghhh i can't let it go. Eventhough things may seem like the way they were before, it felt soo fake! Funny how that 1 freaking word will make all the difference, and she had said these million other words.

Forgive and forget? Its not easy although I wanted to :(

2. ...... Ehh I've forgotten other things that were on my mind. Hahaha. I have a lot of other stuff before I wrote #1. Hahahaha.

Forgetfulness? Easily happens although unwanted

*I have a lot of random thoughts lately and I've decided that I'm gonna start writing blog again, just to let it out. Blog is the best option because I hate facebook and twitter is too limited for my ramblings (Also, I don't wanna 'force' my 8 followers to read my rungutan). So, this will be some sort of public diary. Hehe. Honestly, I don't expect to have readers, just wanted to express out my weird random thoughts :)

And oh, I think I saw some sort of crazy accidental flasher at the airport just now. He/she is doing a weird catwalk with his/her pants partially down. Urghhhh what a weird thing to remember before sleep. I'm gonna wash it out with Kids React videos.

Feeling stressed.
Silent shout.