Monday, February 16, 2009

My first tag! :D

This is a tag from lehaygkononbaik :P

The challenge is:

  1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
  2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
  3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
  • Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
  • Invite six friends to join the challenge.
  • Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

This is the sixth picture of my sixth folder. So, here are six things about this picture.
  1. I was with Noor Haryati Shazleen, my roommate in Penang Matriculation College.
  2. It is taken after our block, A1,Anggerik (i think) dinner party.
  3. The theme for this picture is "Charlie's Angel". Haha.
  4. Besides pictures, we have lots of mosquitoes bites.
  5. It was my first time wearing an eyeliner!
  6. I was 18.
So that's it. I'll tag :
  1. Johnny Depp-would anyone please tell him he has been tagged.
  2. Aimi Amalina. haha. :P
  3. Kak Rahmah
  4. Arepoyo
  5. Nad
  6. Miss H.A.B.I.S.H.A.T.I
Thank you! :)


rahmahmokhtaruddin said...

kenapa kau tag aku?
nnt la..
xde ms lg nk jwb..

Rahsia Kurus Pikat Lelaki said...

aku kne tag gak kew??mcm mne ek nak wat tag nih?ak xberape nak paham...hehe

ainaaamira. said...

kenape aimi amalina? hahahahahahaha,

daly said...

kak rahmah,
sy taw kak rahmah bz bercuti. har har har. neway,jangan risau,tiada paksaan. :)

by the time ak bca komen k0 nie k0 dah pown membuat tag tersebut. kiranya,k0 lebih advance dn tidak memerlukan tunjuk ajar. tahniah! haha.

saje gediks nak provoke aimi. haha. :P

Miss Amalin~ said...

weih...perlu ke tmbh 'na' kat blakang name aku tuh...
mentang2 la aku suke pendekkn name ko jdik 'dal' kan..
saje bls la neh ek..

daly said...

aahkan. k0 pendekkan nama ak, s0 ak pnjgkan nama k0. har har har! :P