Friday, December 10, 2010


So after about one year of having a twitter account i've decided to actually give it a try, I followed a few artists from glee ie the handsome other asian, Harry Shum Jr and Mr porcelain face, as sue sees it, Chris Colfer. If you don't get it then you are not a gleek - well, it's not really a big deal, so no worries but now you know that i am. So as i was saying, i followed a few artists and read their tweets about their show and their __________ life in tinseltown (I don't have an adjective to describe their life, so feel free to insert your own) then of course i start tweeting. Well i tried, and i ended up staring at the tweet bird for like decade.

I wonder what does a mere mortal like me tweet about? (Tweet is verb now, is it?) My followers on twitter (Yes i do have followers, a whole lot of 7 actually. heh :P) i dont think they open their twitter on a daily basis and they don't tweet much either. The last one i stalked tweeted on October on something about phone. Its good for him that he actually have a phone that is worth to tweet about, mine is too sexy i'll be blocked if i mention it. Basically, they can't be much of a reference.

I dont really feel like whining about my little problems on twitter or fb as matter of fact because i find it kinda annoying. It's like 'so what you sit on a chewing gum? like i care'. Especially when quite a number of my fb friends are not really that close to me, i mean if my friends are only my classmate and my close relative, i would'nt mind whining publicly because its not actually public, you see. To answer the question in your mind ie 'its ok to whine in blogs?' As i said, nobody reads my blog so i'm kinda a crazy girl who talks to herself via writing. (yeah, you who are reading this , are actually not a body you are only a soul - no body as in nobody getit? Lame joke. i know.) So yeah, i think it is ok to whine in blog because you readers, read it by choice. I mean, my ridiculous whining (and writings) wont go up in your wall and make you read it unwillingly. You have to actually click a cursor to my blog to read my posts. So, you kinda sign up for it. :)

I got way beyond my topic so lets go back. What's there to tweet about? My daily routine? Like how i woke up 4, eat nasi lauk ayam sambal for lunch and do pilates at 6-yes, i am bragging. I, me do pilates for 1 hour every day, how's that make you feel? heh. Well actually its only been for 2 days and i did the routine from pilates for dummies. Not really a bragging material, me and my lack of exercise but that's another story.

What else?.............................................................
I have no idea. Now i start to wonder what is the purpose of twitter in the first place?

cartoon from here

PS - Been staring @ monitor for 15 minutes now thinking what to tweet about. Yes i'm a beginner. btw, i used @ huh that's a progress rite?
FYI that is my first tweet after a long time and apparently that is not the correct way of using@. I didn't actually mean to tag someone.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cokelat Getah

Kenapa ek ada orang psiko buang singgam merata-rata? boleh pula lekat singgam kat atas kerusi komuter? kan dah ada orang malang terduduk atas singgam tu kesian kat orang tu balik-balik shopping kena memberus membasuh baju, seluar semua kena singgam geli tau tak? GELI! sekarang nak kena cari plastik buat lapik bekas air liur psiko tu , senang-senang je kunyah-kunyah singgam, kunyah sampai liat dah tinggal rasa air liur dia je puuutt tepek kat kerusi lepas tu blah ai geli tawww~ urghh! lain kali sila simpan kulit singgam tu buang atas kulit dia letak dalam poket kemudian buang dekat tong sampah ye.

Sila baca dengan satu nafas pada kelajuan 150km/h. Lebih feel.

Sekian bebelan hari ni. Oh, ni ada satu gambar yang menggambarkan gambaran perasaan saya, sama yewww~ sama geli-sila buat muka jijik

Bubblegum Alley, California.

According to wikipedia the bubblegum alley is a local tourist landmark. Yes, tourist landmark. For me it is more like a place where they suffocate tourists.


I don't know why every time i read my previous blog posts i feel kinda stupid and embarrassed; thinking - OMG, i wrote those? and worst i posted those online? Seriously? What was i thinking? Better pack my bag and move to Pluto now.

Then of course, i considered deleting the humiliating post; err i did delete one just a few minutes ago out of self consciousness. Which i regret now, because apparently it is normal to feel stupid (according to here which i found when i googled 'is it normal to feel stupid'-yeah....i know) As i was saying, maybe i think it is stupid but its not stupid at all, i just think that way because i'm not confident with my-online-self. Therefore, i would like to conclude with: be yourself and be proud with it! That relates right?

Uh, no one reads this blog anyway, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about actually :P