Friday, March 6, 2009


I'm not in a good mood. So, I'm going to write about things that i don't like.

  • People coming to me out of nowhere to say that they are busy - while i was chatting (read:gossiping) with my friends. I seriously do not know what is their intention by doing that. It could be: a) just wanted to share their problem. b) jealous because i was doing not-so-important thing while they have a lot of things to do. c) wanted to show that they are better than me because they are busier. d) depression due to a lot of pressure or e) all of the above. Honestly, I don't mind people sharing their problem with me, because I too, sometimes tell my friends that I have a lot of works to do, just to ease the pressure, but in appropriate time (you know when), not all of a sudden. I really which that I was mean enough to say "u are not the only one, the whole faculty is busy, get used to it!" but I couldn't. By the way, their common dialogue is 'asal korg mcm tak de kerje ek? ak bz giler, keje sekolah nk antar 5 saat lagi, tahun depan kena hantar tesis, projek, pastu nak kena tolong mak cik cafe cuci pinggan, bla bla bla"
  • Misused of YM, yahoo messenger (duh~) buzz function. I really don't like people buzzing me to start a conversation. I mean how am I suppose to response to that? Buzz them back, which equals to; yes I'm free and you can ask me questions? I can totally understand if I am being buzzed because I didn't reply a message, but to start a conversation? No, I don't think so. Can't u just say hi? Anyway, my classic respond is," Ya, kaunter pertanyaan. Boleh saya bantu?"

I think two will be enough for now because unlike you, I am very busy, I don't even have time to read blogs.

Hah! That's it! I ain't no angel.

Unfortunately, writing this didn't help to cast the heartache away. No, not at all.


Ayaq said...

tapi aku suka buzz hang. buzz itu best. haha.

dude(tte), welcome to my world. kebanyakan budak sains suka compare yang depa punya course lagi susah, busy blablabla. ayat biasa, "terjemahan senang je..tak bizi sangat..."

Kepara hotak kau. bodoh.

daly said...

ank slalu buzz ek? bkn h0i ke? haha. :P

Ak faham condition ank. Ak p0wn geram gak! Sumer orang busy,tak yah la kecoh~~

nanab said...

halo saya kamu daly

Anonymous said...

hoho..akak tak bizi pon.cuma org bizi suka bt org tak bizi jd bz. huh !

daly said...

nice one! haha.

kak husni,
agak complicated d c2, bca 5 kali bru faham-ayat org dh keje mmg lain~